Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill
August 3, 2020 — August 8, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
A gift from Saad F. Al-Sabah

An interesting book that initially goes over several traits that are needed for success, which I realized are already in me; however, the book helped me outline these traits, organize them effectively to guide, and re-ignited my feelings tremendously (I truly felt like me again, the 106 hustler and revolutionary, when I read the chapters about Desire and Faith). These traits include: holding burning desires to achieve visions by any means necessary and never giving up on them no matter what obstacle is put in front of you, the faith and belief in oneself and understanding that attainability of everything in life is all dependent on our mindset and how we think, not allowing anyone to hold you back or to push you down, holding the ability and superpower of a great sense of imagination, and understanding what we fear and the negatives aspects in life that can hurt us.
The book is slightly outdated though, while it presents a timeless mindset, the examples and cultural references it provides can be considered obsolete. I will make it clear that this book is very different from the Rich Dad Poor Dad book. I’ve been known to dislike books about just making money, especially when they are written by marketing agents that are trying to appeal, target, and sell their book as a possible (but false) dream to the people coming from lower socio-economic statuses. The book actually barely talks about attaining financial wealth or the dynamics of money and more so talks about how to have a successful mindset and bring in examples and theories that prove it based on financially successful figures. It brings in solid advice that is both organized and meaningful, that will make you feel more enlightened and stronger. An interesting thing to mention is that the talks by the same author (from 1920’s to 1940’s) were sampled in Rick Ross’s Mastermind Album.