The Rosie Project
by Graeme Simsion
July 22, 2020 — July 28, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
Recommended by Sahar Rohani, Founder of SOSHE Beauty

I usually have a hard time reading fiction novels and stories, having a tendency to attempt to annotate the book for concepts, ideas, or highlights. However, I let go of my pencil with this book and surprisingly really enjoyed it to the point I could keep reading for hours, it gave me laughter and I know why Sahar recommended it to me back in June 2018.
There’s many similarities between me and Professor Tillman, the main character of the book, we are both focused on our practices and passions (mine being developing Egypt while his being science), tend to hold up very high standards which we are not flexible about for our significant others that tend to be listed out in our heads, and live very organized and scheduled lifestyles with very particular interests and ideas. Throughout the book, I’d pick up the pencil only to mark our similarities, especially in events and dates I went on which were hilariously similar in how they rolled out or what I was thinking at the time. Eventually, it had gone beyond a point which I’ve experienced and my pencil was no longer useful and I continued enjoying the book.
I didn’t take notes and this is a rom-com novel, so I won’t dissect the book, but I’ll keep what I realized simple for those who keep strict idealized lists of what they want in their significant others: You can’t find love, love finds you. Your ideal model of a person is not necessarily who you’ll actually like. The most important of them all, go with the person that accepts you for who you are.