Built, Not Born: A Self-Made Billionaire's No-Nonsense Guide for Entrepreneurs
by Tom Golisano
July 27, 2020 — July 29, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
Read with Fady Ebeid, Co-Founder of Expo Egypt

I’d say this felt more like a business manual and guide rather than a pure billionaire’s biography as I was hoping for, at least in the beginning part of the book, I should’ve emphasized the title when reading. Regardless, the book is great for someone who has never touched or read any book about starting or managing their own business as it summarizes the key aspects well. Throughout the book, Golisano mentions events and examples from his life that relates to the lessons and points he’s trying to make. However, more like a guide rather than a guru, it depends on what you’re interested in or what you were looking for.
That being said, I did learn and find a few things Golisano says and points out to be very interesting or inspiring. He did put easy-to-follow guides or equations that slightly simplify business and investment management. A few of the points that stood out to me the most were that having a job or being employed has the same level but a different type of risk than having a company or being entrepreneurial. Understanding you don’t have to be passionate about the product or service necessarily, but more excited about the work, growth, and company itself. With that being said, you should understand every inch, aspect, detail, and connection related to your business religiously and be able to read, analyze, and understand financial statements very well. Being tough but also respectful and kind, not stepping on anyone to rise to the top, and being great to all those who work with you to achieve a shared vision. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Try to make your business, entity, or organization a good deal for everyone. Make billions through benevolence, not through bullying.