Poke the Box
by Seth Godin
July 18, 2020 [3:30 PM — 7:02 PM]
Los Angeles, CA

GO! GO! GO! This book is all about starting and moving and I love it, everyone knows these kinds of books put me in by Egyptian P Diddy zone, here’s what I got to say: If you don’t take the initiative, someone else will because you’re replaceable in this world. You can have everything, you just need to start! Nothing happens on its own, once you start doing it, everything will unfold and become a reality. Keep doing and trying things, seeing the results each time and making a decision based on that. Remember, you can do everything because everyone can do everything (I say this while acknowledging that I’m not taking into account: the social and economic limitations on specific demographics in this statement (but don’t let that ever hold your energy back)). If you’re not moving forward, the world’s motion is actually pushing you back. Never fear failure, if your intentions were good then that's all that matters. It helps to name/label what's holding you back within you, your “self-resistance,” and to not allow external setbacks to push you even further away from your vision. Never wait to get picked or chosen, pick yourself and appoint yourself as the leader now. Speak up, ask questions (just not the wrong question that will blow your choices and opportunities), don’t ignore anything, and always take action. Understand that something is better than nothing, that the limits are only in our mentality. If we’re doing something wrong rather than let go of our vision, detect the problem and figure out if this is the right way and fix what’s wrong, it's always better to reform rather than revoke or retreat.
Brainstorming is great, just make sure you ship out the ideas into something. Always try it and take a shot, rather than spend overtime thinking if it's good or not, it doesn’t matter what you’re throwing, just practice throwing. Not starting is the first failure. We must start because we must make a difference, it's our duty in this world. Failure is fine when it's not fatal, and who cares what anyone says if we fail? So let’s stop overthinking and just do something.