Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
by John C. Maxwell
May 16, 2020 — May 26, 2020
Los Angeles, CA
A gift from Kenny Lin

While I’ve always thought of myself as a dynamic person, I’ve realized that my leadership and mentality have a few static aspects. A leader isn’t valued by their positions or authority, what determines who is a leader is their influence and value they bring to others. My vision in life has always been to empower others, what the book did was outline a new approach to doing so and highlighting the benefits that come with it. Which is: listening more and being more understanding, willing to make self-sacrifices for the greater good, constantly evolving and trying to improve, willing to challenge yourself and your people; all leading to more influence to change people’s lives and the result is a better life for your people, which every true leader aspires to do. I’ve realized that in order to reform the nation, I need to reform myself first. In my personal case, I want to implement what I learned for what I know is my calling since I was a child, serving the Egyptian people and developing my nation, though how I intend on doing that has been shifted.