Assholes: A Theory
by Aaron James
Timeline Unknown
Los Angeles, CA

Initially, I really liked the book, however, for some reason the appreciation depreciated towards the end. It was not the material itself, for the material was exceptional, I think it might have been the repetitiveness or the slight confusion. Without a doubt, it was probably that I was overly excited to read this and had very high expectations after watching Max Joseph’s short film "DICKS: Do you need to be one to be a successful leader?" where Aaron James literally goes over highlights of the book within 5 minutes. Again, not a bad book, it’s just that I wasn’t feeling it as much as I thought I would, the problem is on me in this case.
The book interestingly presents us with a theory of what defines an asshole as we know them, one who senses entitlement back by moral motivation, thinking that they deserve to do what they do because the world worked out for them in their favor and because of that they’re considered better than others and should do what they want to do regardless of how it will impact others or make them think. When people push back against assholes, it’s not really about trying to fix the issue or trying to correct the asshole, rather it is more about that the people pushing back are trying to be heard out or recognized by the asshole, to make it clear that they deserve to be recognized. Assholes are usually men, it’s not because of their maleness, but rather deep gender culture is primarily to blame for this fact, that gives men more way to becoming assholes.
The book then dives into managing and dealing with assholes and presents a whole web of dilemmas and theories of how capitalism generates and promotes assholes, presenting the obstacles and reasons why its too hard to pluck them out or dismantle this system, not the capitalist system but the asshole system. Ending with a letter to assholes globally. How do I deal with assholes? I say what every Egyptian will say: “Nafad ya 3am.” At the same time, if they push it too far: *Smack the entitlement out of them.