The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho
Timeline Unknown
Los Angeles, CA
Recommended by Kaleendra Malwatta

Beautifully highlights the power of destiny, or one’s personal legend. I’ve always been a firm believer in fate and destiny, knowing that traits within my personality of being passionate and determined empowers me to reach my own treasures. The book covers the journey of finding this treasure in Egypt (made this book even more interesting for me), teaching lessons in what to understand when attaining destiny. When you want something, the whole universe somehow conspires in helping you to achieve it. You need to focus on what you truly want, that’s how you can work towards your destiny, understanding that if one of your relationships with someone doesn’t align with your destiny then it wasn’t meant to be because it wasn’t true. One should always concentrate on the present to deal with life as it is, willing to sacrifice anything or to build something to get to the next step. If we improve on what we do in the present, whatever comes in the future will also be better as a result. Courage is needed, the fear of failure is what makes a dream impossible to achieve, the fear of our dream not meeting our expectations only stalls us, and the opinions or criticisms of others who rarely believe in others who hold a treasure only distracts us. One must believe in their own destiny, enjoying the journey in achieving it, while not forgetting their duty and putting it into action to continue rising. For it is all, “maktub” (written), and while everything else comes and goes in life, your dream will remain on your mind forever until it becomes a reality.