On Bullshit
by Harry G. Frankfurt
July 15, 2020 [3:33 pm - 4:03 pm]
Los Angeles, CA

I’ll keep this short, because this book was very short (originally an essay). I’m one of those people that are allergic to bullshit and I can sense it immediately because I’ve lived around bullshitters long enough and have bullshitted my way out of different circumstances in the past.
The base concept of bullshit is not being concerned with the truth-value, validity, meaning, or substance of what we’re saying or doing. It’s not based on a manipulative intention like lying, but rather that we just say anything knowing that nothing real will be coming out of this conversation, or that we’re just putting together anything to get by to the next stage in life or the day. Especially, when we are required to talk about something we have no clue about (we know way too many people who do this). What’s unique about Harry’s idea of bullshit, is that he doesn’t think bullshit can be considered lying, it’s just saying something without care for the truth.