Hurricanes: A Memoir
by Rick Ross
July 29, 2020 — July 30, 2020
Los Angeles, CA

Rick Ross has always been one of my favorite rappers. Learning more about his life, understanding his mindset, and becoming more clear about the rumors, troubles, and disputes about him was very enjoyable. While a common trait amongst successful people is that one of their favorite and most read genres is biographies, I understand why someone wouldn’t be interested in a rapper’s biography or story, especially if they’re never going to be part of the music or entertainment industry. However, I think it’s best to focus on the mindset of those people rather than just their industry, it doesn’t matter which industry they’re part of, as long as they’re one of the people at the top of their industry. In this case, Rick Ross is known to be the boss!
What makes Rick Ross stand out is definitely his mindset, determination, and uniqueness. Throughout the book you’ll experience him always demanding more out of life in every aspect, even when he levels up, he’ll demand more and figure out a way to make that demand supplied. He learns from his mistakes and misfortunes and works to find ways to recover from them and build himself even stronger. He has an entrepreneurial mindset, the same that I’ve read in biographies written by billionaires; pointing out that being under someone, you never know what will happen and that your destiny is in someone else’s hand and they can always push you out or choose someone over you, that’s why he established his own (very successful) label. His motto “if it ain’t a long-term play then it’s just small talk,” shows you he’s in it for real, and throughout the book examples of how loyal his friends are to him and how deeply loyal and affectionate he is for them are presented. He doesn’t start any wars, beef, or trouble, but is very sure to end it firmly if it's thrown at him. Finally, a thing that stands out the most about Rick Ross is while he lives and presents a very lavish lifestyle, he’s more about the money than the looks. His main concern coming up in the industry was pushing out more records than anyone else, demanding it, unlike other rappers he didn’t want more jewels or cars.